UMSL Optometry Wellness Advisory Committee:

The Optometry Wellness Advisory Council is an advisory committee meant for discussion, review, development, and integration of wellness activities and policies within the College of Optometry. Under the direction of the office of Student Services, the Student Wellness Committee is designed to develop and maintain a campus environment conducive to wellness and learning at an optimal level.

Mission: To create a culture of health and wellness as part of the total learning environment through good nutrition, mental health, regular physical activity, and implementing a coordinated approach to ensuring that the College of Optometry is providing wellness programming that is welcoming, inclusive and responsive to all students.

Areas of Focus:

The committee will focus on ensuring that the following areas:

  • Emotional and Spiritual Wellness
  • Physical Wellness
  • Environmental and Community Wellness
  • Interpersonal Wellness

Emotional Wellness:

Emotional well-being is essential to overall health and quality of life. Positive mental health allows people to realize their full potential, cope with the stresses of life, work productively, and make meaningful contributions to their communities. The following programs, services, resources, and reading materials can help you cope with the demands of medical school and your personal life, as well as the various challenges that can arise in everyday life. The support these programs provide can help you manage stress effectively, and take positive action to resolve personal issues.

Spiritual Wellness:

Spiritual wellness involves exploring meaning and purpose in human existence, and developing an appreciation for the depth and expanse of life and natural forces that exist in the universe. The following resources can help you achieve harmony and balance through the exploration of human purpose, meaning and connection through dialogue and self-reflection.
Physical Wellness:

Physical wellness encourages the balance of physical activity, nutrition, and mental well-being to keep your body and mind in top condition. Achieving physical wellness allows you to take personal responsibility for your own health. The following programs, services, resources, and reading materials can help you achieve your personal fitness, nutritional, and overall health goals.

Interpersonal/Community Wellness:

Interpersonal/community wellness encourages healthy lifestyles by allowing an individual to become more aware of his/her importance in society and to actively seek ways to make positive contributions to the community around them. At Feinberg, Interpersonal/Community wellness is enhanced and sustained through a diverse range of community, special interest, and social organizations, as well as through the University of Missouri St. Louis.

Committee Membership:

The Committee will consist of at least five students, Director of Academics, Assistant Dean of Student and Alumni Services, Director of Student and Alumni Service, Chair of the Faculty committee and one at large faculty, two staff, member of health and counseling, and a member of campus recreation.


Meetings will be held at least twice a semester.